Founder and master brewer Patrick Breugem is a fascinating guy. Earlier in his life he was in a coma after an accident. But he fought back and decided to do what really makes him happy: brewing beer. A side effect of the accident is that Patrick is a straightforward, square shooter. No fads, no frills, no nonsense. A true connector with an open attitude.
Instead of labeling him as ‘a man with a defect’ his positive attitude was embraced and used as a strength. The brand is built on this openness. Because a positive, open attitude just makes life a lot more fun.
The brand was rebuilt from scratch. A new brand story, new brand identity, new logo and new names for all beers. The names encourage interaction and connection, such as “High Five”, “Man Hug”, “Boks” (Fist Bump) and “Zoentje” (Kiss). Many bartenders will hear “Can I have a Kiss?” or “Two High Fives please” a lot more often while they’re on duty.
And “Bonding Beer” was introduced. Two words that truly describe what the brand and the product does: bring people together.